Dear Bree,

Sending you all the healthy vibes

May you feel better


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Thanks! I slept two hours during the day yesterday and felt kind of entitled to feeling better again. But seems my body has its own timeline :)

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It's years and years and years of being conditioned to ignore how our bodies feel!! I still struggle with it too. I've been doing a qualitative study about what it means to have a healthy relationship with work and the pattern that stands out the most is the one where we habitually stuff down how we feel (not how we think about what we feel) so that we can Do More Things. The folks who have a good relationship with their work also seem to have a good relationship with their bodies β€” they rest when they feel like resting and stop when they're done. Easy, right? lololol. Only if you haven't given the last 20 years of your life to the productivity doom loop! For us, we've gotta get our reps in watching Love is Blind. Enjoy your rest!

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How true... everything you wrote! I'd love to learn more about your research. I've learned over and over that my body is the boss, whether I like to think so or not!

"Rest when you feel like resting and stop when you're done"... so simple. I'm going to try to get closer to it!

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"My body is the boss" I think I need that on a poster πŸ˜‚

Come see what we're up to over here at On Purpose! So far I'm through my 51st interview and I've started to see some really interesting trends.

This is a good one about how achievement culture starts early:


And this one you might like, about loving your job :)


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I love them and just subscribed!! I'm so happy we share an orbit :)

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Just two girls, standing in front of work, asking it to stop being such a primadona. 🫢🏻

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HA!! You've made my day :)

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